Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Spread of Info: Exponential Functions

If you start with one person knowing a rumor and if that person tells 3 people every hour, and if every person that knows this rumor also tells 3 people per hour, 14,348,907 people will know after just 15 hours.

The spread of information is clearly an exponential growth, and the model we are using doesn't take into account many other factors that play a part in how many people know the rumor. However the number we end up with after 15 hours using this very general model is unbelievable.

If we used a more realistic model where 10 new people found out from every person that knew every hour, in just 2 hours, 100 people know. Although, even this is conservative, realistically 10 people find out every 15 seconds. If we graph these exponential functions they quickly result in numbers that are simply too large to understand. It is important to realize that in this day and age, information spreads quicker than ever and often this information can be hurtful, even life-ruining in the case of Monica Lewinsky.